St. John’s Schools’ Oral History Project

by Martin Denny

These videos are Bedard’s Unofficial Web Page worthy.

Martin shot this in Kananaskis, Alberta in Fall 2023. Each video is about five minutes long and features some old boys talking about some facets of the Selkirk school.

The boys speak for themselves.

6 thoughts on “St. John’s Schools’ Oral History Project”

    1. Thanks Shawn (and Martin). They are great. i just put them up because 1) I’m in there, and 2) can’t really trust facebook to keep things up and visible. I urge everybody who Martin contacts to think about participating in his quest to video some Canadian Oral History.

  1. Miles White (1968-71)

    Thank you, Pierre. Merci.
    You’ve done so much good here, am at a loss. And you sure have the heart, sensitivity, insight to organize it all.
    I never realized the long-lasting impact of fear and trauma,
    being isolated. Every single kid has his stories. Please, more.

    For an adolescent’s headspace, impressionable, vulnerable, the closest atmosphere I’ve encountered in film is the Ivan Denisovich one, with Tom Courtenay. That was Solzhenitsyn. In print, the Stompin’ Tom autobiography Before The Fame. Those may help others deal with memories.

  2. dghartd290ffba03

    Dave Hart #751 Thanks for sharing. Brings back memories, some good, some bad, but what helped make what I am today.

  3. #803 Chris Gillespie great job Pierre and Alumni
    I just went to the new canadian canoe museum in Peterborough and saw the video made about the tragedy. Very upsetting yet It was done respectfully.

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