Steve Mencacci #72

Steve Mencacci, #72, known as “Kotch” to his friends, moved on Saturday night, 17 September 2005 while playing hockey. He was a great friend and teammate. We will never, ever forget him.

In his final glory, Steve “Kotch” scored his last goal on Saturday night playing Ice Hockey with the Habs. He died suddenly that evening, September 17, 2005, at the age of 55. Born in San Jose, CA in 1950. He graduated from the University of Colorado with a Bachelor of Science Degree in 1973. He received his early education abroad in Belgium and spoke five languages.

Steve was a Vice President of Sales with Santa Clara Windustrial for more than 16 years. He had a lifelong love for Ice Hockey. In the last 12 years, he has been actively playing ice hockey with the over 30 leagues at the Logitech Ice Rink in San Jose.

Steve is survived by his loving wife of 15 years, Lynda Paulsen, his beloved mother, Norma Mencacci, and his Aunt Martha Miller all from San Jose.

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